Posts Tagged “Go Cincinnati!”
What is a New Media Cincinnati Meet Up?
by Joe on March 15, 2009
This saturday Cincinnati’s finest social media elites gathered at the monthly New Media Cincinnati Meet-up, and had an awesome time listening to some great speakers who basically gave some verbal blog posts in 5 minute or shorter rants about what they love! (…)
Go Cincinnati! Wakeboard Without a Boat: Wake Nation Cable Park
by Joe on December 10, 2008
Last week I had a chance to interview a pair of entrepreneurs in Cincinnati: Pete Kennedy and Nick Binkley are the co-founders of Wake Nation, Cincinnati’s first cable park opening in May of 2009. (In the picture: Nick is on the (…)
Go Cincinnati! Benefits Local Charities
by Joe on November 12, 2008
I must say that the guys at cincySEARCH have hit two huge targets for me. Charity fundraising and a nicely built technology product from Cincinnati, Ohio. cincySEARCH is founder Michael Hillenmeyer‘s current venture designed to generate funds to give to local Cincinnati, (…)
Go Cincinnati! Invitation to Tweet-up: All A-Twitter
by Joe on November 7, 2008
Cincinnati is all a buzz with the flurry of Cincy folks on twitter… So what do you do with that? Have a party! Kate put it on the schedule calling everyone to attend Greater Cincinnati’s first tweet-up! “Would you like to (…)
Go Cincinnati Alert! Digital Hub Initiative Non-Conference
by Joe on October 31, 2008
AdClub Cincinnati’s Digital Hub Initiative has put together a non-conference conference in Cincinnati November 14-15, 2008. The non-conference was created to be a place to discuss “all things digital.” It looks like a great line up of speakers, but let us not (…)