What to do when my child does not listen…

by Joe on September 20, 2013

It happens all the time, to each of us parents: our children disobey. They know its time for a diaper change and they run away, they hit us, or they do something you’ve asked them to stop doing. Such is a parent’s life right?

So reading today, I found a great explanation from Mr. Reaves, a father in Fort Thomas, KY, that poetically describes my approach for how I try to treat my son when he chooses evil (like not listening or running away from me):

“For instance, in our home, when one of us chooses evil, the others get to witness two of our basic beliefs reinforced. First, that evil always has negative consequences. It is my job as father to see that those negative consequences are administered consistently and effectively. Second, that redemption is always possible when you turn from evil and make it right.”

What awesome stuff – consequences and redemption.  Check out his other great thoughts about helping children walk through tough stuff: What Dad Thinks: 6 Ways to Train Your Child in Evil – What My Kids Read

Oh… and he still doesn’t sit still during a diaper change.

One comment

Thanks for the quote. Great blog. I love to discuss this stuff.

by David Reaves on October 2, 2013 at 7:23 pm. Reply #

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