Facebook’s Huge Learning Opportunity: The Burger King Snafu

by Joe on January 15, 2009

the_burger_kingFacebook didn’t just Blow A Whopper Of An Opportunity by shutting down Burger King’s amazing marketing plan that lets you sacrifice 10 of your friends for a free whopper sandwich, they found a way to generate revenue.

TechCrunch made a huge deal about how Facebook is acting evil in the name of  “user privacy.”  Facebook did make a huge snafu. They went all web 1.0 on Burger King when Facebook is supposedly the poster child for Web 2.0 and the marketing with meaning that has derived from it.

It is my hope that Facebook didn’t quash this because of user privacy, but because they found a business model.  Offering creative development of marketing with meaning applications.  Facebook should buy an interactive marketing firm and go to town with using the data they have as a backbone to create specialized marketing applications a la Burger King’s masterpiece.  

There is a take home lesson for Facebook here:  This is a revenue model.

Will Facebook invest in the new marketing?  I don’t know. But what I do know is that they still struggle to find additions to that top line especially with the declining trend in ad rates and they are now officaily “put on notice”.

I would hate to waste such a great learning opportunity!  Perhaps they need to use this opportunity to learn how to respond to negative feedback.


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by Facebook schmeißt Burger King raus | ethority weblog on January 15, 2009 at 1:13 pm. Reply #

[…] hat Facebook jetzt wie Twitter ein sinnvolles Businessmodell gefunden – zumindest wird schon von Joe Budde gemutmaßt – und Zeit zum Geldverdienen wird es auch […]

by News Update - Best of the Day : The Strategy Web on January 16, 2009 at 1:40 am. Reply #

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