Awkward is as Awkward Does: Battling The Awkward Turtle

by Joe on March 25, 2009

I can’t believe I have blogged for this long without getting into it.  But I am there, and I can’t ignore them… The Awkward Moment and The Awkward Silence.  These two things give me night terrors.  But I know we have all felt that uncomfortable pull of the awkward turtle at one point in our lives.  So a few years back I embraced a little saying…

Its only awkward if you make it awkward.


Yes, its not the situation, moment or silence.  Its you.  You make that office party, networking event, church service, party, meeting, luncheon or comment awkward and uncomfortable.  Its time we all quit blaming the situation and owned it.  We make ourselves feel uncomfortable.

So lets work together to eliminate the awkward moment.  Lets approach situations with a clean slate.  Lets let the situation dictate the feel of the event, not your awkward magnet attitude you carry around like a merit badge.  Leave your sash or whatever at home and be prepared with a clean slate attitude.

It took me a long time to own my little saying, but I’ve found it turns potentially awkward situations into amazing opportunities.

Now I just need to remind myself of it when someone sings the happy birthday song to me.


[…] You make that lunch awkward and uncomfortable, @joebuddejr Posted to: […]

by Agree and Disagree Links for 03-27-09 | Modite on March 27, 2009 at 5:37 pm. Reply #

no one ever seems to know what i’m talking about when i say awkward turtle or do the awkward turtle bit with my hands…glad to see i’m not the only one 🙂
you’re right though…attitude matters a ton…my attitude matters a ton in every situation i find myself in.

but you have to admit, though, there ARE some people that have the ability to spread awkwardness simply by being present…sometimes that can be hard to overcome!


jessica hutson’s last blog post..the weather man was correct

by jessica hutson on March 31, 2009 at 10:36 am. Reply #

Ok, well it sounds like we have to discount the guy who is 100% awkward 100% of the time. You cant change your attitude to fix him. 😉

I hope we can get rid of the awkward turtle one moment at a time with our new attitudes!

by Joe on March 31, 2009 at 2:23 pm. Reply #

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